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graphical user interface, application a device with a screen 

Welcome to Hall Pass, an earn-as-you-enjoy way for us to say Thank You! 

Friends like you are the foundation of our success and we appreciate you!

Earn 1 point for each $1 that you spend in our restaurants.
Convert your points into rewards, such as 250 points = $25 rewards, 
that you can then redeem in our restaurants.
When you're ready to redeem your rewards, convert your points then give your server your Hall Pass number.

It's that easy!

*Upload your check details directly into your account within 7 days of your visit
*Check your points history and available rewards with one click
*Redeem your available rewards when you choose
*Make reservations at any of our restaurants
*One-click access to reservations, gift cards, and more...

graphical user interface

graphical user interface

Online Hall Pass Account Access

Visit the Hall Pass Web Portal

Watch our Tutorials

Walkthrough of the Hall Pass Mobile App

Walkthrough of the Hall Pass Web Portal

Submit a Missed Check

If you have a check that is older than 7 days, you can submit your check details using our online form and we'll manually add eligible points to your account.  You can submit multiple receipts, one at a time.

Submit a Missed Check


View our Hall Pass FAQs  or click on the green "Need Help?" button on the right to browse our online help or to send us a message.